Dental exams are a vital part of regular oral health. These exams give us the opportunity to assess everything you tell us concerning your own personal methods of dental care along with our evaluation of your current level of oral health. Simply put, they allow us to detect potential problems early so they can be addressed and fixed before becoming real issues later.
We tell our patients that they are the “first responders” to their own potential dental issues. We all know when something doesn’t seem right: a tooth ache, sore gums, loose teeth, etc. Practicing good oral hygiene daily is vital to keeping your mouth healthy. Reducing plaque and calculus that can cause decay and gum disease is the best way to maintain a healthy mouth and lessens the need for more than a standard dental exam.
Most dentists recommend getting dental exams every six months. However, everyone is unique in their oral health, so Dr. Hartzell will help you decide how often you should be examined. If your lifestyle is conducive to causing potential problems, such as smoking, chewing tobacco, etc., you will likely need more frequent exams. If genetics suggest that you may be more inclined toward tooth and root decay or gum disease, this could affect need and frequency of your exams.